Search Flights
This information is provided by a third-party source. It is for reference only and may differ from the actual situation. Please refer to the Mainland China Airport, HK Airport, Macao Airport websites for information.
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Search Ferries
The information above is provided by a third-party source. It is for reference only and may differ from the actual situation. Please refer to the Hong Kong Marine Department, Macao Marine and Water Bureau websites for information.
Tickets : Cotai Water Jet | TurboJET | CKSP
Search Buses
The information above is provided by a third-party source. It is for reference only and may differ from the actual situation.
Please refer to the website for information and tickets.
Route search & planning (Google map)
Border control points
The information below is provided by a third-party source. It is for reference only and may differ from the actual situation. Please refer to the Office of Port of Entry and Exit of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government(In Chinese Only), Hong Kong Transport Department, Macao Government Tourism Office websites for information.